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July 4th, Impaired Driving Mobilization

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The 4th of July marks the birth our great nation – and a fun summer holiday to gather with friends and family for cookouts, camping, parades and fireworks. But it’s also a holiday known for the deadly results of drinking and driving. As you and your family head out, keep safety at the forefront.

Local Law Enforcement and the Highway Patrol are deploying additional patrols around the state focused on impaired driving enforcement during the Fourth of July for the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” DUI crackdown, June 30 through July 5.

The best way to ensure that everyone arrives at their destinations safely is to plan on a sober driver for every trip. The goal is to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Montana roads – and we need everyone to do their part. Is it your turn to be the designated sober driver for this year’s festivities?

You can help by calling 911 to report an impaired driver, and by making sure you and your family and friends have a sober ride and are buckled up.

From a Drive Safe Missoula perspective, if you notice the map above, Missoula County has the second-highest ten year (2010-2019) DUI Fatality Rate with 139 DUI-related fatalities. Yellowstone County (Billings) leads the state with 188 total DUI Related Fatalities. Flathead County is a close 3rd with C5 DUI-related fatalities. 56% of roadway fatalities in Missoula County over this ten-year period have been DUI-related.

If you have read this far, I would like to thank you for caring about this issue, and second, I would like to ask a quick question? In your opinion, how do we do better? I would love to listen to what you have to say. Feel free to email me at I do believe we can move the needle in the other direction together.

Thanks, and Drive Safe, Missoula.

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