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Legalization of Marijuana and Public Health - MT DPHHS - Drive Safe Missoula Meeting

The Legalization of Marijuana here in Montana took effect on January 1, 2021. So what does that mean as it pertains to public health? Well, that's a great question.

Thankfully, Victoria Troeger from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services shared some information with us during our December 10, 2020 Drive Safe Missoula Meeting.

Naturally, we are concerned with how the legalization of marijuana will impact our already high impaired driving rates here in Missoula and Montana in general.

It's essential for users of any substance, including marijuana and alcohol, to fully understand: IF YOU FEEL DIFFERENT, YOU DRIVE DIFFERENT.

Our goal is to keep our roads safe. We fully support the Vision Zero initiative. Zero serious injuries and zero deaths on Montana Roadways. To accomplish this vision, we need you.

Here is her presentation:

Thank you and as always, Drive Safe, Missoula.

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